A collection of 24 posts

Activists use those with DSDs - again

Activists use those with DSDs - again

Leo Varadkar asked Heather Humphreys, Minister for Social Protection, if she plans to make provision for people who are medically determined to be intersex due to their chromosomes or characteristics to be recognised in law. Now why would activists want this?

Conflating legislation with ideology

Conflating legislation with ideology

So now we know, thanks to courageous lecturer Colette Colfer, that it's a feature - not a glitch - that gender identity ideology is being advanced through Irish society as if the law requires it. The reality appears to be that the law hasn't determined many of the claims now being made.



For International Women's Day 2023 it's women we need to see more of in our Dáil and Seanad. Let's keep #WomensDay4Women

Parental consent

Parental consent

Thread from February 22nd 2023. Curiously this was not the position of the Gender Recognition Act Review Group of 2018 which included TENI and recommended gender recognition for children "of

Gaslighting girls

Gaslighting girls

Thread from 13th October 2022 Watch “Trans Rights In Ireland With Sara Philips” on #Vimeo https://vimeo.com/749200075 from the Shine Festival yesterday. .@shonadotie why was this talk considered

WPATH and "standards of care"

WPATH and "standards of care"

Thread from September 17th 2022 re WPATH which has just released its 8th "standards of care" and an Irish connection: The former Health and Education Manager of TENI, Vanessa Lacey,

What do adult men and girls have in common?

What do adult men and girls have in common?

In 2014 an Irish study found 73% of those with gender dysphoria were men. More than twice as many referrals to the failed Tavistock GIDS from Ireland were girls. Why is the Government not insisting on an immediate enquiry before the HSE refers more children out of the country?

Toilet training for women

Toilet training for women

Thread from 12th June 2022 “Every employee should have the right to use the bathroom/changing facility which aligns with their gender identity regardless of the sex they were assigned

Sex should matter in Census 2022

Sex should matter in Census 2022

Why have gender identity lobbyists been influencing the Central Statistics Office regarding Census 2022? Those who say they feel "uncomfortable" at acknowledging their sex have been allowed tick both boxes and where the response is not clearly indicated, a sex "will be assigned at random."

Grooming girl guides

Grooming girl guides

What consideration was given to the rights and needs of girls in Irish Girl Guides before the policy on boys who identify as girls and want to join the organisation was adopted? This policy includes guidance on overnight sleeping arrangements and toilets and says nothing of the rights of girls.

International Trans Fund job offer

International Trans Fund job offer

TENI has been having difficulty filing its accounts on time yet its chairperson is treasurer of the Steering Committee of the New York based International Trans Fund which resources trans movements worldwide