Thread from September 17th 2022
re WPATH which has just released its 8th "standards of care" and an Irish connection: The former Health and Education Manager of TENI, Vanessa Lacey, now at is a member of WPATH

Vanessa Lacey was co-author with Dr Des Crowley, Assistant Director, ICGP Addiction Management Programme, along with TENI and LGBTIreland of the January 2021 Guide for Providing Care for Transgender Patients in Primary Care:

The ICGP guidance said nothing about a child's ability to consent nor did it mention the Keira Bell case which had been heard in the UK a month earlier. By contrast there were 28 references to TENI. Women complained about various issues including the statement that:

The January guide was rapidly removed and replaced with an edited guide a month later:

But the original TENI and HSE 2016/17 Information for General Practitioners Working with Transgender People is still online at  and… and uses the very same sentence used in the first ICGP guide:

WPATH also criticised  the UK High Court's judgment in the December 2020 Keira Bell case:

Psychiatrist Dr Stephen Levine resigned from the organisation in 2002 "due to my regretful conclusion that the organization and its recommendations had become dominated by politics and ideology, rather than by scientific process, as it was years earlier."

The 2020 Programme for Government contains a commitment to WPATH which has just published, and corrected, its highly questionable 8th "standards of care": - Programme for Government: Our Shared Future (