Women seek Seanad seats to protect women and children's rights
There are 28 candidates chasing six seats in the two university panels for colleges of the NUI and Trinity College Dublin this month. Many candidates appear to be offering a
There are 28 candidates chasing six seats in the two university panels for colleges of the NUI and Trinity College Dublin this month. Many candidates appear to be offering a
Poem by Kathryn O'Sullivan, read out at our protest outside the German Embassy on November 1st, the day far-reaching "self-id" legislation came into force placing German women and children at risk of harm.
The "hate crime" Bill before the Seanad today introduces an entirely new definition of “gender”, which defies the reality of there being only two sexes or genders. It sets a very dangerous precedent in our legislation if it is passed.
Our existing 2000 Equal Status Act protects single-sex spaces and we want these protections maintained. We don’t want to be made fearful of calling out any man who seeks to use them by being accused of “hate” under the proposed "hate speech" bill.
Enter women. Women who fielded phone calls from people who decided to phone a friend before making their choice. Who thrashed out their ideas on forums and in WhatsApp groups.
"The woman down the flats didn't know that the State has a direct obligation to support her, should she choose to stay at home. And her sisters in the NWCI were never going to tell her while they were demanding that her right to choose should be removed."
"It was at the heart of cruel, discriminatory policies, such as the marriage bar, which forced women out of their careers once they got married," said Orla O'Connor, director of the National Women's Council.
So much has changed in the world, but our biology - the fact that women are the ones who have babies and are primed hormonally to nurture them - that hasn’t changed. The basic needs of babies and children have not changed.
According to the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) "disinformation" is "false, misleading or manipulated content presented as fact, that is intended to deceive or harm." What better description for the 2015 Gender Recognition Act?
Colette Colfer's courageous stance in objecting to the South East Technological University's new gender identity and expression policy was reported in The Irish Times on Thursday of last week: Lecturer
So now we know, thanks to courageous lecturer Colette Colfer, that it's a feature - not a glitch - that gender identity ideology is being advanced through Irish society as if the law requires it. The reality appears to be that the law hasn't determined many of the claims now being made.
"This linguistic destabilization of the meaning of sex permits males who claim a female identity to make demands on women and girls that were previously unheard of and that undermine women’s dignity and safety.” - Kara Dansky
Including two male sex offenders in a women’s prison is abusive of the rights not just of women prisoners but of women prison officers who have been threatened with rape. Will the new prison for women in Limerick be for women only?
Thread from 26th May 2023 "The IPRT said women in prison in Ireland are among the most marginalised women in the state, with an estimated 85% having addiction issues and
It doesn't matter whether or not a man is innocently seeking to use women's spaces or services or whether he has an ulterior motive. Women want the norms of privacy, dignity and our need for safety to be respected by Government. It's not "hatred" for women to assert this.
"In fact, it’s a serious policy issue — and a test of fitness for high office. If women are forbidden to say that men are men, however they identify, then any man can intrude on women-only spaces at will."
The General Scheme of the Gender Recognition Act 2013 contained Head 26 which allowed sporting bodies to exclude participants in the interests of safety and fairness. Who opposed it? TENI of course but also, unbelievably, the IHRC, now the @_IHREC.
For International Women's Day 2023 it's women we need to see more of in our Dáil and Seanad. Let's keep #WomensDay4Women
Will men with Gender Recognition Certificates be accommodated in the new Limerick women's prison which will have just an extra 22 places - 50 instead of the current 28?
Thread from December 3rd 2022 Prof Robert Wintemute was one of the signatories to the original Yogyakarta Principles (not binding on the Irish State) along with former President Mary Robinson
"There exists no combination of thought patterns, mannerisms, hobbies, preferences or aesthetics that can disqualify a man from the male sex and qualify them into the female sex."
Dublin, Saturday November 12th, 2-6pm Women from across Ireland are coming together to talk about issues that affect us all. Speakers from the fields of law, psychotherapy, education and journalism
Thread from October 14th 2022 on problems with using "woman"/"women": Where did this initiative originate which is included in a heavily redacted set of minutes of the CervicalCheck Clinical
Thread from 13th October 2022 Watch “Trans Rights In Ireland With Sara Philips” on #Vimeo https://vimeo.com/749200075 from the Shine Festival yesterday. .@shonadotie why was this talk considered
Thread from 6th May 2022 The Report of the Citizens Assembly on Gender Equality includes "gender identity" in its definition of gender; and it's the Citizens Assembly report which informs