Programme for Government

A collection of 21 posts

Law, not justice

Law, not justice

If the Government's plans to protect men's "gender identity" in our equality legislation is successful, it may mean that women and girls will not be able to object to men or boys in our sports, schools, changing rooms.

Department speaks out of both sides of its mouth

Department speaks out of both sides of its mouth

Just announced: a new public consultation on the next National Strategy for Women and Girls. Is this just another box ticking exercise before proceeding once again with what the gender identity activists in our NGOs and Government want?

Are some people more equal than others?

Are some people more equal than others?

"Throughout the submissions, the proposal to specifically include gender identity within the Equality Acts was contentious.." Yet the Government gave a commitment to include it in our equality legislation in the 2020 Programme for Government. Do the public really have any say at all?

Who imported the culture wars?

Who imported the culture wars?

In the 2020 Programme for Government there are multiple examples of gender identity ideology being introduced, none of which have popular support. So where does the blame lie for the importation of the "culture wars"?

Eunuch is a gender now

Eunuch is a gender now

"The authors of the new standards, which include NHS medics and heads of UK trans charities, argue that castration could help some eunuchs better align with their 'gender identity'."

When some are more equal than others

When some are more equal than others

Thread from 2nd January 2022 Dear Minister @rodericogorman, Women weren't consulted when a commitment was given to add the concept of "gender identity" to our equality legislation. A public consultation

Leinster House succumbs to policy capture

Leinster House succumbs to policy capture

"'policy capture', where public decisions over policies are consistently or repeatedly directed away from the public interest towards a specific interest, can exacerbate inequalities and undermine democratic values, economic growth and trust in government"

Legislation promised - now evidence of need required

Legislation promised - now evidence of need required

Many see including "gender identity" in a ban on conversion therapy as a Trojan Horse to prevent health professionals from doing their job of counselling young people. Is "affirmation" of young people leading to hormones and surgery the real "conversion therapy"?

#SaveOurSpaces campaign organized by Radicailin

#SaveOurSpaces campaign organized by Radicailin

Excerpts and photos from Radicailin's campaign launch #SaveOurSpaces over the Government's commitment to amend the gender ground in our equality legislation and include "gender identity" which puts at risk the right of women and girls to single sex spaces.

FLAC fails to support women's sex-based rights

FLAC fails to support women's sex-based rights

Women and girls are provided with protection on the grounds of sex under our equality legislation. FLAC has just published guidance for making submissions to the Public Consultation on the review of this legislation. Why have they not mentioned the need to protect the rights of women and girls?

Statistics we can't rely on

Statistics we can't rely on

Statistics based on self-identified gender identity rather than sex are misleading and unreliable. By contrast a survey based on sex by the Red C polling company for the new grassroots women's group The Countess deserves far greater coverage by the media.

When some are more equal than others

When some are more equal than others

The exemption under gender in our equality legislation was clearly provided to protect women and girls. If men claiming to have a female "gender identity" are now to be included, what protection for single-sex facilities will there be in future for women and girls?



The UK's EHRC has withdrawn from Stonewall's Diversity Champions scheme. Is it time that the IHREC in this country cast its net wider as to who it consults with on gender identity issues?



The NHS removed its claim that puberty blockers are reversible in May of last year. Last month the ICGP produced guidance which claimed they were reversible but rapidly changed that last week. The HSE's claim that they are reversible is still online.

Coalition government's plans

Coalition government's plans

The coalition government is planning to allow children 16+ to legally self-id their gender without the requirement for two specialist reports, examine arrangements for under 16s plus amend equality legislation which may adversely affect women and girls