Yogyakarta Principles

A collection of 16 posts

Activists use those with DSDs - again

Activists use those with DSDs - again

Leo Varadkar asked Heather Humphreys, Minister for Social Protection, if she plans to make provision for people who are medically determined to be intersex due to their chromosomes or characteristics to be recognised in law. Now why would activists want this?

Should men be in a women's prison?

Should men be in a women's prison?

Including two male sex offenders in a women’s prison is abusive of the rights not just of women prisoners but of women prison officers who have been threatened with rape. Will the new prison for women in Limerick be for women only?

Sex should matter in Census 2022

Sex should matter in Census 2022

Why have gender identity lobbyists been influencing the Central Statistics Office regarding Census 2022? Those who say they feel "uncomfortable" at acknowledging their sex have been allowed tick both boxes and where the response is not clearly indicated, a sex "will be assigned at random."

ARC International: Canada’s Dark Rainbow

ARC International: Canada’s Dark Rainbow

Why did an American philanthropic foundation start funneling money to a company in a Canadian town in 2008? And what has this got to do with replacing sex with "gender identity" which is starting to affect us all?

Policy capture behind our backs

Policy capture behind our backs

How does legislation get changed without the public knowing anything about it? Is it perhaps through EU legislation which well resourced lobbyists manage to get submissions in to in good time?



The NHS removed its claim that puberty blockers are reversible in May of last year. Last month the ICGP produced guidance which claimed they were reversible but rapidly changed that last week. The HSE's claim that they are reversible is still online.

Legislation on gender self-identification

Legislation on gender self-identification

A government advisory group recommended medical gate keeping for a Gender Recognition Certificate but with weeks to go the bill was completely altered and became a self-id Gender Recognition Act in 2015. Why did legislators agree to this change and why were women's rights not considered?