Thread from August 17th 2021
Robert Wintemute, professor of human rights law at King's College London, says women's rights were not considered in the drafting of the Yogyakarta Principles.
Neither are they binding on the Irish State.
@IrishPrisons are right to protect female prison officers from having to search a male prisoner on their own. As this article by @GLoingsigh points out "...who in their right mind would object to female staff having back-up during searches?"
"No mention is made of female prison officers having to search men with their genitalia intact who are aroused by the procedure and the trauma this may inflict upon the prison officer."
The Irish Penal Reform Trust (one of the signatories to the infamous letter which sought to deny those defending women's rights from having "legitimate representation") said in October 2019:

How can the Office of the Inspector of Prisons describe the Yogyakarta Principles as "recognised best practice" when the needs of women were not even considered in their drafting? Do the needs of women, both prisoners and prison officers, not merit consideration?
“The Irish Prison Service is currently developing a national policy for the safe custody of transgender women and men,"
Hopefully the needs of women, who are the most impacted by men "identifying" as women, will be taken into account as well.