Gender identity ideology

A collection of 37 posts

Activists use those with DSDs - again

Activists use those with DSDs - again

Leo Varadkar asked Heather Humphreys, Minister for Social Protection, if she plans to make provision for people who are medically determined to be intersex due to their chromosomes or characteristics to be recognised in law. Now why would activists want this?

Law, not justice

Law, not justice

If the Government's plans to protect men's "gender identity" in our equality legislation is successful, it may mean that women and girls will not be able to object to men or boys in our sports, schools, changing rooms.

Department speaks out of both sides of its mouth

Department speaks out of both sides of its mouth

Just announced: a new public consultation on the next National Strategy for Women and Girls. Is this just another box ticking exercise before proceeding once again with what the gender identity activists in our NGOs and Government want?

It's not kind to undermine safeguarding

It's not kind to undermine safeguarding

Colette Colfer's courageous stance in objecting to the South East Technological University's new gender identity and expression policy was reported in The Irish Times on Thursday of last week: Lecturer

Conflating legislation with ideology

Conflating legislation with ideology

So now we know, thanks to courageous lecturer Colette Colfer, that it's a feature - not a glitch - that gender identity ideology is being advanced through Irish society as if the law requires it. The reality appears to be that the law hasn't determined many of the claims now being made.

Let Women Speak

Let Women Speak

To hear the chanting in Dublin of women being called ‘Nazi scum’ denigrates the memory of those killed in the Holocaust, diminishes the enormity of Nazi atrocities, and dangerously demonises women who gathered to speak peacefully and voice legitimate concerns about issues that affect our lives.

Gender ideology in Irish education

Gender ideology in Irish education

Through all levels of the Irish education system, it is now being taught that everyone has such a thing as a ‘gender identity’ and, more crucially, that the best way to deal with students who have a gender identity that is incongruent with their biological sex is to affirm this identity.

Safeguarding meaningless on basis of "gender identity"

Safeguarding meaningless on basis of "gender identity"

Surely a nursing home or other care setting needs to know and protect residents on the basis of their sex and also ensure that it's sex, not gender identity, which is of critical importance when it comes to accommodating male residents or employing male staff?

Why are more girls trying to escape their sex?

Why are more girls trying to escape their sex?

The numbers of those seen with suspected or confirmed gender dysphoria have switched from 73% men to 70% girls in this country: why is no one asking why? Or why the largest cohort of those applying for Gender Recognition Certificates is young women?

Who imported the culture wars?

Who imported the culture wars?

In the 2020 Programme for Government there are multiple examples of gender identity ideology being introduced, none of which have popular support. So where does the blame lie for the importation of the "culture wars"?

What Is A Woman?

What Is A Woman?

"In fact, it’s a serious policy issue — and a test of fitness for high office. If women are forbidden to say that men are men, however they identify, then any man can intrude on women-only spaces at will."

Eunuch is a gender now

Eunuch is a gender now

"The authors of the new standards, which include NHS medics and heads of UK trans charities, argue that castration could help some eunuchs better align with their 'gender identity'."

When some are more equal than others

When some are more equal than others

Thread from 2nd January 2022 Dear Minister @rodericogorman, Women weren't consulted when a commitment was given to add the concept of "gender identity" to our equality legislation. A public consultation

Leinster House succumbs to policy capture

Leinster House succumbs to policy capture

"'policy capture', where public decisions over policies are consistently or repeatedly directed away from the public interest towards a specific interest, can exacerbate inequalities and undermine democratic values, economic growth and trust in government"