Today President Trump's Executive Order restoring sanity to US government in stating that there are just two sexes has been published:

Here are the latest figures we have for the number of Gender Recognition Certificates (GRCs) issued since the Gender Recognition Act 2015 came into force

In just over 8 years (in 2015 from the commencement of the Act that September) there have been 1,544 GRCs granted to persons aged 16 and above. Just 21 were for children aged 16 or 17, the only age at which children can apply for one.

The Central Statistics Office says that in the last census in 2022 there were a de facto 5,149,139 people in the State (4,067,442 who were usually resident and present, as the de facto figure includes those visiting on the night etc.) So that means 0.02998% of the total population have a Gender Recognition Certificate.
If we exclude children (aged 17 and under = 1,218,567) then 3,930,592 is the de facto number of those 18+ here on census night. 1,523 GRCs have been granted to this cohort, some 0.03874% of the adult population.
In plain language, that’s a change in society, legislation, education etc to accommodate 1 in every 2,581 adults or c4 in every 10,000.
For the de facto population of children of 1,218,567, the number who have GRCs (which is 21) means that the percentage is 0.00172% or one child in every 58,027 children.
Those who obtain a GRC can have it entered in the Register of Gender Recognition (and then apply for a “new” birth certificate):
Between ages 16 to 18 there are 110 women to 46 men yet aged 51+ the sexes are reversed with 3 women to 63 men on the Register. What do young girls have in common with older men?

Sex can't be changed but apparently "gender recognition" can be:
"Where the holder of a gender recognition certificate wants to revert to their original gender, section 15 of the Act allows them to apply to the Minister to revoke the certificate. During 2023, there was one application to revoke a gender recognition certificate under this section. There have been six revocations made since the commencement of the Act, all from applicants aged over 18 years."
So as the US returns to the reality of unchangeable biological sex how long will we persist with legalising sex deception in this country with all the attendant safeguarding risks for women and children?