Women seek Seanad seats to protect women and children's rights
There are 28 candidates chasing six seats in the two university panels for colleges of the NUI and Trinity College Dublin this month. Many candidates appear to be offering a
There are 28 candidates chasing six seats in the two university panels for colleges of the NUI and Trinity College Dublin this month. Many candidates appear to be offering a
IHREC says the exploitation of vulnerable women for surrogacy is 'one of the most concerning, novel and emerging forms of trafficking'. "Yet we have enacted a law that legalises what the UN special rapporteur on human rights has called 'the sale of children'."
O’Connor stated at that 2018 meeting that NWCI consultations showed no disagreement about “the need for the sexist language in Article 41.2 to go.” She stated: “On this matter, everyone agrees.” Clearly, as the referendums showed, not everyone did agree.
"It was at the heart of cruel, discriminatory policies, such as the marriage bar, which forced women out of their careers once they got married," said Orla O'Connor, director of the National Women's Council.
To hear the chanting in Dublin of women being called ‘Nazi scum’ denigrates the memory of those killed in the Holocaust, diminishes the enormity of Nazi atrocities, and dangerously demonises women who gathered to speak peacefully and voice legitimate concerns about issues that affect our lives.
Why is "gender dysphoria" now featuring so much in young girls when the 2014 retrospective study in St. Columcille's Hospital found in adults it was 73% men? Has the HSE asked this question? If not, why not? Is the NWCI concerned?
"The gender equality referendum is likely to be held in November and will focus on amending the Constitution to 'enshrine gender equality'.." But what does that actually mean and will it benefit women - or men?
Thread from October 14th 2022 on problems with using "woman"/"women": Where did this initiative originate which is included in a heavily redacted set of minutes of the CervicalCheck Clinical
This article has been amended 28th August to include a more appropriate rebuttal of the allegation levelled against the Iona Institute* and updates at the end. Earlier this week some
Suggested new logo for the National Women's Council of Ireland which is concerned about men's rights to participate in women's sport
Women and girls are provided with protection on the grounds of sex under our equality legislation. FLAC has just published guidance for making submissions to the Public Consultation on the review of this legislation. Why have they not mentioned the need to protect the rights of women and girls?
"Colm O’Gorman, executive director of Amnesty International Ireland, said that while newspapers were free to run adverts according to their own guidelines, they should respect human rights." Is "legitimate representation" a human right for women?
Why is the National Women's Council of Ireland representing the interests of "transgender women and girls", who are males, in an organization which says its mission is to "lead and to be a catalyst in the achievement of equality for women"?
Why were TENI, the Transgender Equality Network of Ireland, involved in discussing with the HSE's National Screening Service the type of language to be used in CervicalCheck information which is intended to reach as many women as possible in order to protect our lives and health?
A government advisory group recommended medical gate keeping for a Gender Recognition Certificate but with weeks to go the bill was completely altered and became a self-id Gender Recognition Act in 2015. Why did legislators agree to this change and why were women's rights not considered?