Thread November 10th 2021
The deadline for submissions to the Consultation on the draft State report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has been extended to Friday 12th. It includes the extension of legal "gender recognition" to under 16s which was rejected by the Government when proposed/
by the Gender Recognition Act Review Group in 2018. It was chaired by Moninne Griffith of BeLonG To and included the chair of TENI, a member of IndividualiTy, and a former director and a legal consultant to TENI. Why were no other voices included?

Despite being rejected by the Government this proposal was accepted by the LGBT committee in Fine Gael and managed to get added to the Programme for Government.
All the evidence indicates that it's an extremely harmful proposal to encourage children to "socially transition", which a legal change of gender clearly is. Allowing activist groups to formulate public policy based on gender identity ideology is not only inappropriate but/

in this case risks pushing children towards medical treatment for life through puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and eventual surgery. Why is a Department for Children @dcediy even considering this instead of safeguarding the health and well-being of children in Ireland?

Please send your views by email on what you think of the Government's proposals to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

This is far too short a time to allow the public to give their views on providing "gender recognition" to under 16s. Risking harm to children is surely no part of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.