On his very first day in office President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation.  

This "sweeping executive order making it clear that gay and transgender people are protected against discrimination in schools, health care, the workplace and other realms of American life" means that

"Biden’s order calls on agencies across the federal government to review existing regulations and policies that prohibit sex discrimination, and to revise them as necessary to clarify that 'sex' includes sexual orientation and gender identity."

But the assault on sex based rights under the guise of supporting "gender identity" had started some time beforehand.  Under President Barack Obama in 2016 the federal government told public schools they must allow transgender students to use bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity.

"The non-binding guidance contained the implicit threat of cuts in federal funding if it was not followed. It relied on an interpretation of Title IX, which protects people from discrimination based on sex in education initiatives that receive federal financial assistance."

Jennifer Bilek, a journalist who has consistently pointed to the money behind the push to replace the reality of sex with the unevidenced concept of "gender identity" has frequently shone a light on those funding this, including a number of men who masquerade as women such as Martine Rothblatt and Jennifer Pritzker.

"One of the most powerful yet unremarked-upon drivers of our current wars over definitions of gender is a concerted push by members of one of the richest families in the United States to transition Americans from a dimorphic definition of sex to the broad acceptance and propagation of synthetic sex identities (SSI). Over the past decade, the Pritzkers of Illinois, who helped put Barack Obama in the White House and include among their number former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, current Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, and philanthropist Jennifer Pritzker, appear to have used a family philanthropic apparatus to drive an ideology and practice of disembodiment into our medical, legal, cultural, and educational institutions."

Now in compliance with the 2021 directive the U.S. State Department has released its third annual whole of government “progress report” on advancing what it calls the “human rights” of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons around the world.

"According to the latest report, U.S. government agencies are pouring tens of millions of dollars into dozens of projects and grants to organizations worldwide that support gender ideology, transgenderism, and 'combat so called ‘conversion therapy’ practices,' among other specified LGBTQI+ 'human rights' priorities."
"The Department of State alone, the report notes, over the last five years has authorized more than $3.2 million in small grants to '116 LGBTQI+ organizations in 73 countries.' The report indicates that USAID, meanwhile, has dedicated 'more than $7 million to support activities at USAID missions that integrate LGBTQI+ equities' and 'leveraged more than $11 million from private philanthropy to advance the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons.'"

That funding finds its way to Ireland certainly through the US Tides Foundation, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, Atlantic Philanthropies and more.  Some monies are regranted from North America, e.g. from the Arcus Foundation to Transgender Europe on which Sara R. Phillips, former chair of TENI, (Transgender Equality Network Ireland) and former board member of the NWCI (National Women's Council of Ireland) now sits as Co-Chair of the Board for 2023-2025.

For more on the Arcus Foundation founded by Jon Stryker, read Jennifer Bilek's "The billionaires behind the LGBT movement." For more on how the regranting works and how it ties in with the ideological blueprint for "gender identity" called the Yogyakarta Principles see

ARC International: Canada’s Dark Rainbow
Why did an American philanthropic foundation start funneling money to a company in a Canadian town in 2008? And what has this got to do with replacing sex with “gender identity” which is starting to affect us all?

Another body the US State Department funds is the grandly titled "Institute for Strategic Development" which sits on one of the subgroups of the Government's National Counter Disinformation Strategy.


Last year the ISD planned to include Women's Space Ireland in a report it compiled into the "online mis and disinformation ecosystem in Ireland" on the evidence of three tweets - one of which was for "misgendering" US swimmer Lia Thomas in saying he's a man. Lia Thomas is indeed a man.

"Misgendering fits into ISD’s framework under the use of hateful mis- or disinformation narratives to describe and/or target the LGBTQ+ community,"

Saying a man is any sort of woman is clearly disinformation.  When challenged the ISD withdrew the planned inclusion.

As well as US Government agencies disbursing funds, millions of dollars are also being granted around the world, largely through "philanthropic" organisations such as the International TransFund which Sara Phillips is also now Co-Chair of, as he explained to the Wicklow Pride parade recently when he was acting as Grand Marshall.  


TENI has featured in several news reports in recent years over questions relating to Phillips' claimed chartered accountancy qualification, the HSE suspending funding over its failure to produce complete financial accounts, with TENI having missed the deadline for filing its annual accounts for the fourth year in a row.

The Phoenix Magazine reported on TENI's problems with filing accounts on several occasions and The Sunday Times reported in 2022 that

"The Transgender Equality Network Ireland (Teni) has accepted it was wrong for two of its directors, including the chairwoman, to receive almost €6,000 in consultancy fees for working on a publicly funded project without the transactions being declared in its annual accounts."

and two months later

"In documents sent to the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC), the state body that funded the 2017 project, Teni claimed the payments to Phillips were for 'legal expertise'. Her biography on the Teni website, however, said she was a 'chartered accountant' and not a lawyer."

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) and Rethink Ireland both withheld balances of money earlier promised to TENI:

Part of email thread released under Freedom of Information legislation, dated 3rd July 2020

Asked in February 2022

"Did Rethink Ireland pay TENI, the Transgender Equality Network Ireland, the full amount of €125,000 and/or supports package of €44,250 over three years awarded in October 2019 under the Mná na hÉireann, Women of Ireland Fund, 2019-2021 scheme or was some of it withheld?"
Rethink Ireland, annual report 2019

Rethink Ireland replied:

"TENI (the Transgender Equality Network Ireland) received €69,000 in funding and €22,148 worth of non-financial support under the Mná na hÉireann, Women of Ireland Fund. TENI is no longer part of any Rethink Ireland programmes."  

Among the many lies told by transactivists - the main one of course being that they are not the sex they were born - is that those of us who defend reality and biology are being funded from abroad:

"Right now there is a backlash from a well organised and well funded anti trans, anti LGBT, anti women’s rights, global campaign.  In my roles as Co-Chair of transgender Europe and Central Asia and Co-Chair of the International trans fund in Canada, I’ve seen the effects of these orchestrated well funded campaigns. And Ireland is not immune to it."

Women and the few men also who are trying to hold back the tsunami of gender identity ideology being foisted on us through American foundations, various governments as well as the European Union have no funding at all to support our efforts. The funding from the US and UK to activist groups here is added to with funding from Irish Government departments and agencies such as the HSE.  We are being traduced by those who are pushing their dishonest agenda which is causing great harm to women and children in particular, and to lesbians and gays.


We can all see how the funding and relentless pushing of gender ideology finds its way here into legislation such as the 2015 Gender Recognition Act and into policies, such as that promoted by IBEC, the employers body.  Revealingly IBEC uses the word "bathrooms" repeatedly - an American usage - instead of "toilets": (14 times in this document, no instances of "toilet" used).

No wonder Ireland is known as the 51st US State.