Hate speech

A collection of 9 posts

Gender identity behind new hate speech bill

Gender identity behind new hate speech bill

Our existing 2000 Equal Status Act protects single-sex spaces and we want these protections maintained. We don’t want to be made fearful of calling out any man who seeks to use them by being accused of “hate” under the proposed "hate speech" bill.

Sex deception spun as truth

Sex deception spun as truth

According to the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) "disinformation" is "false, misleading or manipulated content presented as fact, that is intended to deceive or harm." What better description for the 2015 Gender Recognition Act?

Let Women Speak

Let Women Speak

To hear the chanting in Dublin of women being called ‘Nazi scum’ denigrates the memory of those killed in the Holocaust, diminishes the enormity of Nazi atrocities, and dangerously demonises women who gathered to speak peacefully and voice legitimate concerns about issues that affect our lives.

Safeguarding meaningless on basis of "gender identity"

Safeguarding meaningless on basis of "gender identity"

Surely a nursing home or other care setting needs to know and protect residents on the basis of their sex and also ensure that it's sex, not gender identity, which is of critical importance when it comes to accommodating male residents or employing male staff?

Who imported the culture wars?

Who imported the culture wars?

In the 2020 Programme for Government there are multiple examples of gender identity ideology being introduced, none of which have popular support. So where does the blame lie for the importation of the "culture wars"?

Women's boundaries are not "hatred"

Women's boundaries are not "hatred"

It doesn't matter whether or not a man is innocently seeking to use women's spaces or services or whether he has an ulterior motive. Women want the norms of privacy, dignity and our need for safety to be respected by Government. It's not "hatred" for women to assert this.