Thread from February 22nd 2023.
Curiously this was not the position of the Gender Recognition Act Review Group of 2018 which included TENI and recommended gender recognition for children "of any age"
"an appropriate legal process" where there is not consent from both parents.
"'I would also be concerned if the Government proposed gender recognition for people under-18 without parental consent. That was never discussed and never recommended by anyone.'" said Ms Orban this week.
This is what the GRA Review Group recommended:

It's worth pointing out also that "Third party support" for the child and family involved may not have meant what people might expect - independent expertise.
Third party support is defined elsewhere in the report as:

The Gender Recognition Act Review Group was headed up by Moninne Griffith, then Executive Director of BeLonG To, one of the lobby groups.
BeLonG To Executive Director, Moninne Griffith Appointed Chair of Gender Recognition Act Review
Ms Griffith said of her appointment“ I am honoured to take on this role of Independent Chair.."
However civil servants spotted this misleading designation before issuing a press release

"The Minister [Regina Doherty] commented that she was particularly pleased to be able to appoint representatives from TENI (Transgender Equality Network of Ireland) and IndividualiTy to the Group.
There was also a former director and legal consultant to TENI on the committee.

“'It was very important that the group was truly representative and also that it had an external chair' the Minister said."

Now that the Government is planning to crack down on false information maybe it should get its own house in order first?
As one Tweeter pointed out yesterday: