BeLonG To Youth Services

A collection of 7 posts

Parental consent

Parental consent

Thread from February 22nd 2023. Curiously this was not the position of the Gender Recognition Act Review Group of 2018 which included TENI and recommended gender recognition for children "of

Sex should matter in Census 2022

Sex should matter in Census 2022

Why have gender identity lobbyists been influencing the Central Statistics Office regarding Census 2022? Those who say they feel "uncomfortable" at acknowledging their sex have been allowed tick both boxes and where the response is not clearly indicated, a sex "will be assigned at random."

Pledges to gender identity ideology

Pledges to gender identity ideology

Next week Dublin City Council's Comhairle na nÓg is to send out “pledge packs” to 22 schools which expressed an interest in having one as part of the chosen LGBTI+ topic this year. What's BeLonG To's role in this?