Thread from July 29th 2022
Service which Irish children as young as five have been referred to since 2009 is being shut down early next year over safety concerns.
"Legal experts said the trust could now be sued by patients who felt they did not receive the right treatment."
Over two years ago @shanephelanindo reported that " least three doctors working in the gender area expressed grave concerns over the service provided by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust at Crumlin."
"Tavistock’s Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) clinic has been accused of rushing children into life-altering treatment on puberty blockers."
"Six out of ten children referred back to Children’s Health Ireland Hospital at Crumlin receive psychosocial support while 40% receive medical treatment such as puberty blockers."
Dr Cass: "As already highlighted in my interim report, the most significant knowledge gaps are in relation to treatment with puberty blockers."

In April then UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said he believed the system was “failing children” and planned an overhaul of how health service staff deal with under-18s who question their gender identity. (Archived
However in May @TheSundayIndo reported that the HSE was "also exploring using similar services that are offered in other countries."
"Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) previously said it does not have any concerns about the treatment service provided to Irish children by the Tavistock and Portman clinics, but it did not respond to a request for comment this weekend."
"The current evidence does not support the use of puberty blockers, hormone treatments, or surgical procedures for children and adolescents," Florida Surgeon General Dr Joseph Lapado.
Has @HSELive@roinnslainte yet conducted a review of all Irish children started on puberty blockers? 11/11 @TheCountessIE@radicailin@Irish_WL@WRN_NI