Will women in Ireland be able to call out a man if we see him in a space in which women and children are vulnerable, such as changing rooms, once the Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022 becomes law?
Media outlets which have pandered to this ideology by calling men "women" are clearly culpable in the grooming of society into belief in this ideology. #TheseAreNotOurCrimes
"I introduced the word and the concept of autogynephilia—the tendency of certain males to become sexually aroused by the thought or image of themselves as females—in 1989 as an extension of the concept of transvestic fetishism."
"The flat denial that autogynephilia exists became a canon of modern trans activism, trans activism become [sic] a sub-department of the Social Justice Movement, and the Social Justice Movement became a primary combatant in the ongoing, pervasive Culture Wars."

Dr Blanchard says of the figures for autogynephilic gender-dysphoric men "The proportion had reached 75 percent by 2010, and it might be even higher now."
For how this affects their partners see @transwidows

Dr Blanchard: "Their anger results from 'envy of women and resentment at not being accepted by women as one of them,' he has tweeted. 'They direct their ire at women because it is women who frustrate their desires. Men are largely irrelevant.'”
See Helen Joyce: The Truth about Autogynephilia: https://quillette.com/2021/09/07/the-truth-about-autogynephilia/
Some of the men involved in promoting gender identity ideology claim to be women such as Jennifer Pritzker:
And Martine Rothblatt: @11thblog https://jbilek.substack.com/p/martine-rothblatt-a-founding-father
One of the protected characteristics in the new bill overwhelmingly passed by the Dáil last month with just 14 opposed was that of "gender" which was explained as:

Women have a well understood need - which we learn from childhood - to protect ourselves when vulnerable such as when in states of undress; hospital wards; toilets and so on.
Any man transgressing this norm raises a red flag for us.
It doesn't matter whether or not a man is innocently seeking to use women's spaces or services or whether he has an ulterior motive.
Women want the norms of privacy, dignity and our need for safety to be respected by Government.
It's not "hatred" for women to assert this.