Thread from 8th December 2023

No mention by @BBCNews of the sub-section to be deleted which offers mothers support so that they're not forced through economic necessity to work outside the home.

The referendum on "gender equality" has been dropped which is intriguing.

Art 41.2 - dated language but of its time in 1937.  The Constitution has been described as a "living, breathing document" and "is to be interpreted as a contemporary document."

This is the proposed replacement:

The late Mr Justice Brian Walsh of the Supreme Court and of the European Court of Human Rights expressed his surprise that this provision which could offer protection to mothers  had not been tested.

Scroll down to end:

Government’s cruel deception of women on International Women’s Day
“The gender equality referendum is likely to be held in November and will focus on amending the Constitution to ‘enshrine gender equality’..” But what does that actually mean and will it benefit women - or men?

Here's the General Scheme of the proposed deletions and additions to the Constitution on International Women's Day next March:

As former Chief Justice Ms Justice Susan Denham found in Sinnott v Ireland (2001) regarding the meaning of Art 41.2:

convention-on-the-constitution-role-of-women-report.pdf (

It's just too easy to fall in with the prevailing narrative that this sub-section of Art 41 consigns women to "duties in the home".

There are doubtless many mothers who would like to be able to care for their own children and to be supported in so doing, even for a few years.

How might one describe the plan to hold a referendum to remove Constitutional support for mothers on International Women's Day next year?