Thread from December 31st 2023
Earlier this month on December 18th & 19th, just two months after the new 50 bed Limerick women's prison was opened with 22 extra places it again attained the distinction of being the the most overcrowded prison in the State with 66 held, 118% of bed capacity. @NoXYinXXprisons

On Friday, just before the new year there were 62 being held at 111% of bed capacity.
Women should not have men incarcerated with them in Limerick or the Dóchas in Dublin.

Let's hope the… passes in 2024. @Toibin1@TheCountessIE#NoXYinXXPrisons
Historic Bill Drafted by Laoise De Brún BL
"'Our staff do an amazing job. But my main concern is overcrowding. If that continues to grow, I’d be concerned for the safety of staff and prisoners.'”
Gaslighting women prisoners to satisfy men's delusions is grossly unfair to the women and prison staff.
Postscript 2nd January 2024:
Already in 2024 the new Limerick women's state-of-the-art brand new prison is once again repeating the pattern of the previous prison for women: 62 or 111% bed capacity on the 1st and 2nd of January , the highest in the State. @NoXYinXXprisons