Citizens Assembly on Gender Equality

A collection of 10 posts

Department speaks out of both sides of its mouth

Department speaks out of both sides of its mouth

Just announced: a new public consultation on the next National Strategy for Women and Girls. Is this just another box ticking exercise before proceeding once again with what the gender identity activists in our NGOs and Government want?

The Deliberative Wave Crashes

The Deliberative Wave Crashes

O’Connor stated at that 2018 meeting that NWCI consultations showed no disagreement about “the need for the sexist language in Article 41.2 to go.” She stated: “On this matter, everyone agrees.” Clearly, as the referendums showed, not everyone did agree.

Irish NGOvernment Referendum Defeat

Irish NGOvernment Referendum Defeat

People want the constitutional acknowledgement of women and mothers retained. Motherhood is not gender-neutral. Fathers in the home should be acknowledged too but not at the expense of mothers.

I am the woman in the home

I am the woman in the home

So much has changed in the world, but our biology - the fact that women are the ones who have babies and are primed hormonally to nurture them - that hasn’t changed. The basic needs of babies and children have not changed.

Referenda recklessness

Referenda recklessness

Article 41.2 has been of value to mothers and will be cited in an appeal to the Supreme Court in April by a mother who is seeking the full carer’s allowance, without it being means tested. So why is the Government rushing to have the referenda passed before this appeal is heard?

Are some people more equal than others?

Are some people more equal than others?

"Throughout the submissions, the proposal to specifically include gender identity within the Equality Acts was contentious.." Yet the Government gave a commitment to include it in our equality legislation in the 2020 Programme for Government. Do the public really have any say at all?