Thread from 2nd October 2022
"If you are unable to buy a binder because of money issues or you don’t have a form of payment to use online, you can get help. There are schemes and giveaways online that cater to trans people." say TENI @NewstalkFM @gavreilly @cpkeena @SarahAMcInerney

"You can get a free or discounted binder as well as masculine clothes. Contact TENI or join a trans community facebook group."

"If you have the money but don’t have a form of payment to use online (credit/debit card) ask an older family member, friend or a friend’s parent to order it for you."
Where is parental consent? @RTE_PrimeTime@NTBreakfast@PatKennyNT@NewstalkFM@JohnBurnsST@drivetimerte

"TENI’s 19 ways to help gender dysphoria": "Find/use items that help in expressing your gender and makes you feel more confident in yourself – binders, packers, STPs (stand-to-pee devices), breast forms, padded underwear.."

TENI was granted €183,000 in 2021 (down from €263,000 in 2020).
Why fund the promotion of self-harm to young girls and boys (testicle "tucking") by @HSELive@roinnslainte ?
What consequences @NTMA_IE for the State?
Binding and Tucking: Self Harm 101