Thread from 20th April 2023
Eunuch is a gender according to WPATH whose sister body EPATH will hold a conference next week in Killarney.
Will @HSELive soon provide orchiectomies too?
The HSE is one of the listed supporters of TENI's bid to hold the conference. @DonnellyStephen
[A retired chemist accused of participating in extreme body modifications at a “eunuch-making” website has admitted mutilating multiple men.]
"TENI is a non-profit member-driven organisation, founded in 2006. The governance is provided by a volunteer Board and operations are led by the Chief Executive and staff."
It's also a company limited by guarantee, not a charity, and receives substantial funding from the State.

"The operations aim to reduce salient masculine features to give your face a naturally feminine appearance. The outcomes achieved through FFS makes it an excellent choice for male-to-female (MtF) members of the trans community," according to sponsor

The Government committed itself to following WPATH in the 2020 Programme for Government:

In the latest WPATH Standards of Care (8th):

"The authors of the new standards, which include NHS medics and heads of UK trans charities, argue that castration could help some eunuchs better align with their 'gender identity'."
In the US for instance "For his gender non-conforming patients, Dr. Davis also performs gender nullification, also known as male to eunuch or 'smoothie' procedures."

"The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has standards of care in place that require patients over eight-teen have two letters from mental health providers, stating their readiness for surgery."

But by contrast in Killarney also from 27th to 29th April @genspect , founded by our own @stellaomalley3, will be holding its own conference, The Bigger Picture:

"Genspect intends this to be the first of a series of counter-conferences to EPATH/WPATH, as they continue to confront EPATH, an organisation that brooks no debate and incorrectly insists that the 'science is settled.'"
A wealth of important speakers: Online-Brochure.pdf (
Stella O’Malley, psychotherapist and director of Genspect:
“It’s not appropriate to push puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery on vulnerable kids. The EPATH programme promotes heavy medical interventions while Genspect favours the least invasive approach first.”
Perhaps @HSELive @HSE_SI need to start thinking about what they're doing in supporting TENI.
Is it healthcare?