‘Being hoist by their own woke petard’ – Fianna Fáil senators mocked over ‘two-spirit’ gender ID plan for schools: 27th November 2022 Sunday Independent
New union to fight race, diversity and gender dogma in schools: The Times, February 2nd, 2023
Pledges to gender identity ideology
Next week Dublin City Council’s Comhairle na nÓg is to send out “pledge packs” to 22 schools which expressed an interest in having one as part of the chosen LGBTI+ topic this year. What’s BeLonG To’s role in this?
Department of Education funds ideology under bullying action plan
Why is the Department of Education and Skills funding a lobby group to tell school students during Stand Up Awareness Week that a lesbian is a “woman who is mainly attracted to other women”? How does this fit with the 2013 Action Plan for Bullying?
Gender identity ideology for children?
Twitter thread 17th May 2021 Thank you @willieodeaLIVE [https://twitter.com/willieodeaLIVE] for raising this
important issue. Will you also please ask your colleagues if it’s appropriate
for Junior Infants to 2nd class to have gender identity ideology promoted to
them? See reading list below 1/4 S…
Will State agencies stand up for women’s and girl’s sex-based rights?
Government proposal may result in replacement of sex with “gender identity” in
equality legislation This week has seen Stand Up Awareness Week with BeLonG To
[https://www.belongto.org/professionals/standup/], the organisation for young
LGBT people in Ireland, providing resources for schools “to ta…