Thread from International Women's Day 8th March 2023

The infamous Denton's report which it was hoped would become "a powerful tool for activists" appears to have been followed once again in focusing on the  "woman-in-the-home" clause - whilst casually slipping in an innocent looking but more contentious aim.

The much maligned 1937 "women-in-the-home" clause includes a guarantee to women.  

The late Mr Justice Brian Walsh was surprised that it had never been tested.

Did @NWCI ever advocate for it be used to support women?

26/2/93: "Article of family faith ripe for test in courts"

So now with eyes focused on this "sexist" language - but entirely of its time - the public may not notice what else is going on, as the Denton's handbook recommends:

"The gender equality referendum is likely to be held in November and will focus on amending the Constitution to 'enshrine gender equality'.."

But what does that actually mean and will it benefit women -

or men?

In the questionnaire sent out by the Citizen's Assembly on Gender Equality in its Public Consultation see the underlined sentence outside of the Oireachtas' resolution:

"please understand 'gender' to refer to any and all options in terms of gender identity."

Citizens Assembly chair Dr Catherine Day: "Our gender identity affects many aspects of our lives. From the outset, it seemed to me that the Assembly should treat gender equality as a matter for everyone, regardless of their gender identity."

Citizens Assembly adds to Oireachtas resolution
Thread from 6th May 2022 The Report of the Citizens Assembly on Gender Equality includes “gender identity” in its definition of gender; and it’s the Citizens Assembly report which informs the work of the Joint Committee on Gender Equality.…

And and it's the Citizens Assembly report which informed the work of the Joint Committee on Gender Equality:

Unfinished Democracy: Achieving Gender Equality (

Biology hasn't altered, there are still only men and women in this world.

But the word "gender" is now being used to substitute for "gender identity" which is not one's sex.

If "gender equality" is inserted into our Constitution, how will this affect the rights of women?

"All citizens shall, as human persons, be held equal before the law."

How can Art.40.1 be improved on and what is the real agenda?

What an announcement for #InternationalWomensDay


In response to a query regarding definitions used: This was asked of the Joint Committee on Gender Equality in January 2022:

But the response received was:

The full article from The Irish Times (excerpt above):

The Irish Times, February 2nd 1993