Thread from 13th October 2022
Watch “Trans Rights In Ireland With Sara Philips” on #Vimeo from the Shine Festival yesterday.
.@shonadotie why was this talk considered appropriate for teenage girls?
Gender identity ideology poses risks to the rights of women and girls (and boys).
Phillips says that while the existing legislation is great and to be celebrated "..there's still a lot of work to fix it, and change it and improve it." (c19:33)

Re the equality legislation review he adds "..we're trying to ensure that gender identity and gender expression which is key to all of us would be included directly rather than just believed to [be under the gender rec..]" (c19:43)
Last part of the sentence is not clearly audible.
According to @_IHREC “Transgender persons are protected under the gender ground for the purpose of equality legislation. Specifically, the gender ground means that you are entitled to equal treatment whether you are a man, woman or transgender person.”
If transgender people are already covered by equality legislation why would the IHREC state that
'The Commission recommends amendment of the equality acts to explicitly prohibit discrimination against transgender, non-binary and intersex people'?
IHREC has failed to answer.
The IHREC is the statutory body whose role is explained in the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014 and which has taken over the functions of the former Equality Authority

This Act requires of the IHREC in Section 10 (2) (a) that it "provide information to the public in relation to human rights and equality generally.." e.g. the 2000 Equal Status Act which protects single-sex spaces in certain circumstances, where privacy is an issue for instance.
A Freedom of Information request to @dcediy revealed that no impact assessment was carried out in advance of giving the commitment to add "gender identity" to our equality legislation.
In fact Minister @rodericogorman announced its inclusion in advance of a public consultation

(Press release here:)
Responses still haven't been published:
"The Department received a substantial response to the consultation process to inform the review of the Equality Acts. A report on the consultation process is being prepared and will be published in the coming weeks," said @dcediy today
So what statutory body or body will speak up for teenage girls in this country who currently enjoy the protection of single-sex spaces as provided under the 2000 Equal Status Act which is part of the IHREC's remit?
And who will protect them from gender identity ideology?