What have young women in common with adult men?
With Irish figures showing the same pattern of more than twice as many girls as boys in England being referred with what used to be seen predominantly in adult men, why are we not asking why?
With Irish figures showing the same pattern of more than twice as many girls as boys in England being referred with what used to be seen predominantly in adult men, why are we not asking why?
The "hate crime" Bill before the Seanad today introduces an entirely new definition of “gender”, which defies the reality of there being only two sexes or genders. It sets a very dangerous precedent in our legislation if it is passed.
Just announced: a new public consultation on the next National Strategy for Women and Girls. Is this just another box ticking exercise before proceeding once again with what the gender identity activists in our NGOs and Government want?
“It is planned that legislative proposals arising from the Review of the Equality Acts will be brought forward shortly. Policy officials are seeking legal advice on a number of matters before proposals can be finalised."
It doesn't matter whether or not a man is innocently seeking to use women's spaces or services or whether he has an ulterior motive. Women want the norms of privacy, dignity and our need for safety to be respected by Government. It's not "hatred" for women to assert this.