Poem by Kathryn O'Sullivan, read out at our protest outside the German Embassy on November 1st, the day far-reaching "self-id" legislation came into force placing German women and children at risk of harm.
We will not stand idly
and weep for our rights
Women fought for
and died for
into the night
I am a thousand girls grown,
a storm that will seek
bright light,
from the dark creeping,
over that we must keep
We will not stand idly
and weep for our rights
Daughters fought for
and died for
into the night
I am a thousand women,
who bright shielded,
unyielded her right.
Born into,
latched on to,
what’s ours in this fight
Life within us together
real law, we’ll stay firm.
We will not weep idly,
but stand the full term.
Mother, Daughter, Sister, Wife