Thread from September 24th 2024

"ISD’s state partners include the British Home Office, the United States Department of Homeland Security, the US State Department and the British Foreign Commonwealth and Development  Office, the successor of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office..." reported Gript this week.

...This Department is the one under which MI6 the foreign intelligence agency  formally operates." The ISD also targeted this account, on the spurious grounds of "misgendering" male swimmer "Lia" Thomas, a man:

From email sent by [email protected] which was unsigned

On being challenged the Institute for Strategic Dialogue thought better of including this account in its report "Uisce Faoi Thalamh: An Investigation into Online Disinformation in Ireland"
Sex deception spun as truth
According to the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) “disinformation” is “false, misleading or manipulated content presented as fact, that is intended to deceive or harm.” What better description for the 2015 Gender Recognition Act?

The ISD sits on one of the subgroups of the Government's National Counter Disinformation Strategy
US money pushes gender ideology in Ireland
″..U.S. government agencies are pouring tens of millions of dollars into dozens of projects and grants to organizations worldwide that support gender ideology, transgenderism, and ‘combat so called ‘conversion therapy’ practices,’ among other specified LGBTQI+ ‘human rights’ priorities.”

No wonder Ireland is known as the US's 51st state.

ISD also gets a mention in this article in Gript from January 2024.